Once inhabited by an ancient race, the planet Gliese is now home to their sentient creations – the Diokek. After the ancients’ disappearance, the Diokek lived in peace until malevolent creatures, the Hiltsik, began wreaking havoc among their settlements. With threats of a more sinister force emerging, Astor, a young Diokek warrior, must journey across Gliese to uncover the mystery of his creators' disappearance thousands of years ago, believing they may have left behind the key to salvation. Join Astor on his Journey: Master New Skills: Learn new attacks, abilities, and combos. Unlock magical powers and collect legendary weapons to crush hordes of enemies. Epic Battles: Engage in intense battles against 16 different enemies and 10 formidable bosses across over 20 hours of main story and side quests. Diverse Weaponry: Arm yourself with 4 unique weapons, master dynamic skills and combos, summon powerful constructs, and craft your own combat style. Venture through Gliese: Explore Majestic Landscapes: Traverse diverse landscapes, complete side quests, and uncover remnants left by your creators. Solve Ancient Mysteries: Use newfound runic powers to shift into the spirit realm, solve puzzles, reveal secret passages, and uncover the answers needed to save the future. Combat and Power: Intense, Fast-Paced Battles: Engage enemies with a combination of melee strikes, ranged attacks, and air combos. Switch between equipped weapons at any time, even mid-combo, to deliver critical hits. Runic Swarm: Harness ancient energy to materialize runic power as weapons or tools in combat. Unleash devastating finishers like Wall Crush and Runic Cannon, or summon powerful companions, shields, and decoys. Discover Your Destiny: Uncover the Truth: Your journey will lead you to uncover the mysterious disappearance of the ancients and their purpose behind creating the Diokek. Ancient Monolith: The ancient Monolith holds the key to your answers. Awaiting your arrival, it contains secrets of the past that could determine whether you, Astor, are destined to bring salvation or destruction. Embark on this epic adventure and become the planet's savior!
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