
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

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Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Standard Steam key Global cover
GenresAction RPG Souls Like
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21 EUR

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About The Game

New take in the Souls series. This time players are offered to overcome the immense difficulties in the kingdom of Drangleic. On the way to becoming human again, the hero must obtain a few greater souls. Gamers will experience player versus environment as well as player versus player gameplay using dedicated server technology. Invite your friends, fight your foes and survive your way through harsh medieval fantasy land. The game shares with the first installment in the series the engine and game universe but is not connected in terms of story. Known for its difficulty the game offers players unbeatable challenge. Bad play is severely punished by the game: each time player dies game protagonist loses a bit of maximum health just like in Demon’s Souls. Scholar of the First Sin bundles all previous DLCs for Dark Souls II as well as visual upgrades, new features and content.

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