Dark Souls III is the fourth installment in the Dark Souls series, now introducing the players to the world of Lothric, a kingdom which has suffered the fate similar to its counterparts from the previous games, descending from its height to utter darkness. A new tale of dark fantasy offers to create and guide the path of game’s protagonist, the Ashen One, through the dangers of the world before him. Sharing many gameplay similarities with previous installments of the Souls series, Dark Souls III improves at what it is best. These features are the unforgiving difficulty and unique, overwhelming environments. Let alone the soundtracks, allowing players to travel through the familiar locations and encounter new obstacles alike, resulting in a great test of nerves, while also giving the fruit of resolving the secrets and echoes of the past of Dark Souls series. The new changes to the systems of multiplayer, crafting and combat will offer new and experienced players to challenge themselves on the field of battle, and to enhance the playthrough with each consecutive New Game +, where the in-game cycle never indeed ends, allowing for a multitude of different playstyles, and showing different events based on player’s actions.
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