Enshrouded presents an immersive experience set in the realm of Embervale, a land plagued by ancestral mistakes. This game combines survival, crafting, and Action RPG combat in a vast voxel-based world. As you explore, you shape your destiny and unravel a hidden story. Survival in the Shroud: Begin with nothing, scavenge through ruins, and fend off creatures in a quest to survive. Journey through diverse landscapes, building strength to confront the horrors of the Shroud. Intense Combat: Battle factions, bosses, and mutated creatures with a skill tree system. Customize your playstyle using swords, shields, staves, bows, and spells. Creative Building: Use voxel-based building to unleash your creativity, constructing grand structures with various materials. Shelter NPCs, unlocking advanced workshops and crafting options. Legendary Gear Crafting: Customize powerful weapons and armor to face the Shroud's challenges. Master diverse weapons and skills for strategic combat. Co-op Adventure: Team up with friends in 16-player co-op, assigning roles and combining skills to raid, gather treasures, and defeat foes. Unveil Secrets: Explore different biomes, each with unique cultures and myths, uncovering a captivating narrative of magic, ruin, and redemption beneath the ruins of a lost kingdom.
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