In the Not-Too-Distant Future America has been devastated by a mysterious and savage force known only as the ‘Miasma.’ Meet Elvis, a young man who was brought to the mining town of Sedentary as a baby. Abandoned by his mother, he was left in the care of a robotic older ‘brother’ and given a mysterious glove that allows him to control the Miasma. Join these brothers on a quest across a post-apocalyptic wasteland to uncover the answers they seek—answers that could alter the course of human history forever. Engaging Gameplay: Experience a blend of real-time exploration and tactical, turn-based combat with RPG elements. Rich Environments: Explore beautifully crafted settings and encounter a cast of outlandish characters. Upgrade and Conquer: Enhance your heroes’ weapons and abilities to gain the upper hand in combat. Compelling Story: Dive into a captivating fantasy narrative and uncover the truth behind the Miasma. From the creators of Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, comes a beautifully crafted tactical adventure you won't forget.
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