Resident Evil 7 Biohazard: Redefining Survival Horror The acclaimed Resident Evil series takes a bold new direction with Resident Evil 7 Biohazard, blending its storied roots with a modern approach to deliver an unparalleled horror experience. Powered by Capcom's cutting-edge RE Engine, this entry introduces a dramatic shift to a first-person perspective in a photorealistic style, immersing players in terror like never before. Set in contemporary rural America after the intense events of Resident Evil 6, the game places players directly in the heart of the nightmare. The first-person perspective intensifies the experience, while the series’ hallmark elements of exploration and a tense, foreboding atmosphere remain firmly intact. Honoring the legacy of “survival horror” defined over two decades ago, Resident Evil 7 simultaneously reinvents itself with revamped gameplay systems that elevate the genre to new heights. Prepare for a harrowing journey that brings the horror closer than ever before.
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