
Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders

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25 EUR

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About The Game

Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders is an action-adventure RPG with base-building elements. Take on the role of the legendary hero who stands up against the tyranny and injustice that plagues Sherwood. As Robin Hood, you'll fight, hunt, craft, steal, and help the local people thrive, all to defy the ruthless Sheriff of Nottingham within an open-world environment that you can freely explore. Legendary Characters and Allies Robin Hood, a famous hero of medieval English folk tales, roamed the forests of Sherwood with his band of loyal outlaws. In the game, you'll meet these legendary characters, including Lady Marian, Little John, Friar Tuck, Allan-a-Dale, and Will Scarlet. Build and Expand Your Community Your main goal is to help a fledgling community of refugees and rebels grow and prosper. Starting from a small forest settlement, you can develop it into a thriving town. Recruit local peasants, rebels fleeing the law, and even citizens and guards from Nottingham to join your outlaw settlers. Begin your adventure by building a forest camp, which can expand as new residents arrive. Properly manage the space in Sherwood Forest to build up your village. Assign community members to various professions, training them as craftsmen, hunters, or guards, and manage the settlement’s resources by gathering or stealing them from convoys and noble estates. Defy Tyranny As Robin's followers grow in number and strength, an uprising in Nottingham could become a reality, ending the Sheriff's tyranny once and for all. Can Robin Hood and his Merry Men survive and put an end to injustice? Their fate is in your hands! Action-Adventure RPG with base-building elements. Legendary Characters: Meet Lady Marian, Little John, Friar Tuck, and more. Build and Manage: Develop a forest camp into a thriving town. Recruit and Train: Assign professions and manage resources. Defy Tyranny: Lead an uprising against the Sheriff of Nottingham. Your adventure in Sherwood awaits!

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