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TEKKEN 8 Standard Steam key ROW cover
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34 EUR

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About The Game

PREPARE FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER IN THE LEGENDARY FIGHTING GAME FRANCHISE, TEKKEN 8. • 32 FIGHTERS FOR A FRESH ERA Experience a complete overhaul of character visuals with intricately detailed models, crafted from the ground up. High-fidelity graphics push the boundaries of new-generation hardware, introducing a newfound weight and atmosphere to TEKKEN's iconic battles. Immersive environments and destructible stages merge to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience. • NEW GAME, NEW RIVALRIES Embark on a journey where Fist Meets Fate in TEKKEN 8. Pioneering the longest-running video game storyline, TEKKEN 8 unveils a new chapter in the tragic saga of the Mishima and Kazama bloodlines. Set six months after the conclusion of the last match, the narrative unfolds through intense father-and-son grudge matches. Witness the growth and determination of Jin Kazama as TEKKEN 8 introduces a compelling new episode in this timeless saga. • THRILLING OVER-THE-TOP BATTLES OF AGGRESSION & DESTRUCTION Experience the dynamic Heat battle system, intensifying the aggressive nature of fights while preserving the unique play feel and tactics of the TEKKEN series. Destructible stages elevate the battle intensity, and the introduction of super move-like Rage Arts promises to captivate both players and spectators. TEKKEN 8 combines these impactful mechanics for an exhilarating installment in the series. • EMBRACE YOUR TEKKEN LIFE! Engage in the new single-player mode, Arcade Quest, where you can shape your own avatar and embark on a fresh TEKKEN life. Conquer a variety of rivals across multiple arcades as the story unfolds, mastering the fundamentals and practical skills in TEKKEN 8. Unlock an array of customization items for both characters and avatars as you progress. Get ready to live your TEKKEN life to the fullest!

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