
The Evil Within 2

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The Evil Within 2 Standard Steam key Global cover
GenresAction Adventure
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About The Game

From the mind of Shinji Mikami, The Evil Within 2 pushes the boundaries of survival horror. Detective Sebastian Castellanos has hit rock bottom, but when offered a chance to save his daughter, he must re-enter the terrifying realm of STEM. As the world around him warps and distorts, terrifying threats emerge from every shadow. Will you confront danger head-on with weapons and traps, or choose to evade it by sneaking through the darkness? A Story of Redemption Embark on a harrowing journey to reclaim your life and rescue the ones you love. Explore Horrifying Worlds Venture as far as you dare, but plan carefully for the dangers that await. Face Nightmarish Enemies Endure relentless attacks from monstrous creatures that want to tear you apart. Survive Your Way Use your wits to craft traps, sneak, run, hide, or engage enemies with scarce ammo. Tension and Terror Immerse yourself in a chilling world packed with suspense, visceral horror, and pulse-pounding thrills.

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