
Watch Dogs 2

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platform icon Ubisoft Connect
Watch Dogs 2 Standard Ubisoft Connect key EMEA cover
GenresOpen-World Hacking
Activation limited to EMEA accounts
For Ubisoft Connect use only
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About The Game

Take on the role of Marcus Holloway, a skilled young hacker in the heart of the tech revolution: San Francisco Bay Area. Join forces with Dedsec, a notorious hacking group, to orchestrate the most ambitious hack ever attempted. Your mission? Dismantle ctOS 2.0, a pervasive operating system exploited by criminal masterminds to surveil and control the populace. Explore a Living, Breathing Open World Navigate a dynamic cityscape brimming with opportunities and challenges. Hack into every connected device and manipulate the city's infrastructure to your advantage. Tailor your skills and upgrade your arsenal of hacker tools, including RC cars, a quadcopter drone, and 3D-printed weapons. Engage in Cutting-Edge Multiplayer Connect effortlessly with friends through a revamped co-op and adversarial multiplayer experience. Enhance Your Hacking with Tobii Eye Tracking Gain a tactical edge with Tobii Eye Tracking technology. Use your gaze to interact with the environment, aim accurately, and identify targets. Leverage eye tracking to navigate, spot enemies, and hack into the city’s digital network.

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